WCPL Adult Program Administrator
WARSAW — The Warsaw Community Public Library held its Eighth Annual Amateur Photography Contest. All 49 entries showed a lot of talent.
The grand prize and first place in the black and white category was “A Classic Kodak Moment” by Michael J. Samuels. Second place was “Passing of the Ages” by Steve Olsen. Third place was “The Master” by Gary Mohler.
In the color category, first place “Perspective” by Trishelle Burchett. Second place went to Olsen “Hmmm…Buttons or Marbles.” Third place “Beyond the Door” by Tonya Yates. Honorable mentions go to Melissa Sorensen for “Water Droplets,” Ansel Hygema for “Water in the Day,” James Davis for “Serenity” and Andy Kerr for “Midsummer Wonder.”
Grand prize was a 20-inch by 24-inch canvas package donated by Blosser’s Camera Portrait Studio. Other prizes were gift cards from Meijers. Judges were: Al Disbro, Jamie Johnson of Signature Studio, and Brandi Reis of Brandi Reis Photography Professional Services.
The photographs will be on display downstairs in the Hall of Fame Ramp and upstairs in the Adult Area at Warsaw Community Public Library through Jan. 30. You can see the winners with their photographs on our Facebook page.